17 April 2008

Watch it! Part 1

It is rare for commercial advertising to depict gay (and racial) minorities, and when they do, it tends to be a poorly thought out job. Full essay.


HanSolo said...

It's interesting how you deliberately added a few paragraphs on the Africans, and fair-skinned Caucasians, before devoting the majority of your article on gay ads.

Your strategy is to bolster support for your cause. You're trying to widen the issue beyond gays, to all minority groups. Garner support from a wider group. It might just work.

Anyway why do you find it objectionable when poeple laugh at gays because they are effeminate or sex-crazed? It's also funny when heterosexuals are depicted as such.

Anonymous said...

the point of a tv ad is branding, and retaining customer awareness and interest. it served its point, entertaining, brief and memorable.

companies in my opinion doesn't have to function as a Government does with particular cross cultral politcal correctness and indepth analysis behind each and every public announcement.

take ads lightly and enjoy it!

pleinelune said...

I am not sure you've heard of this site:


that speaks precisely of this subject.

Anonymous said...

>gays because they are effeminate or sex-crazed

that is inaccurate; speaking as an outside observer, my impressions:

1. some lesbians are unusually feminine, and some male gays are unusually macho: couples often have a contrasting role division, with one playing the "male" part and the other the "female" part

2. some male gays are supposed to be particularly good dates for women because they understand the needs of females owing to their own "female" personality, and some are suited to professions that require such deep understanding, e.g., fashion designers

3. homosexual couples tend to be less stable because of the conventional nuclear family constraints like sharing responsibility for children; there is a higher level of promiscuity because of this, not necessarily because the individuals have higher sex drives than heterosexuals

4. going further on the "sex crazed" comment: homosexuality is neither a "mental problem" that can be "cured" by medical or psychological treatment, nor a personal choice that can be changed through exercise of will, e.g., girls that try to "convert" gays by seduction, or guys who think lesbians are merely disappointed with male lovers, are quite misguided


Anonymous said...

I'm a Singaporean gay man.

I think some of the ads posted in the article were rather brilliant. My favourite is the last one. It was a LOL ad for me.

We have to remember that - even if its true that they unwittingly perpetuate homophobic stereotypes - ads like these don't exist in Singaporean media and that is a great shame.

Humour is a good way for differing sides to tackle a debate. I like that some of the ads posted here require heterosexuals to laugh at themselves, not just at gays.

For me, it is the role of popular media to reflect society to itself, rather than propose ideas. (do we need more propaganda? Should ads tell us how to think too?) The audience should be allowed to judge and ascribe values for themselves.

The article here has asked some good questions in response to the ads. That, to me, already shows that the ads are successful. They are able to move beyond simple 'buy me' tactics.

I guess we're simply back at the old question:
does 'reel life' influence 'real life' or vice versa?