13 October 2006

Gay sex is for straight men

A new survey from New York found that the majority of men who have sex with other men consider themselves straight, not gay. And that 10% of married men were having gay sex. Full essay.


Anonymous said...

Apparently so. The 'straight' men having gay sex appear to be from the minorities from Latin America, and Europe, not those from Mahattan.
I don't know if it is the socially n professional rich or the poor lot of migrants in NYC?
I don't think Singaporeans would fit in the 'minorities' in NYC, tho.
I think we are much more educated and certainly more sexually cautious.

KiWeTO said...

I would have to wonder:

given the large number of profiles on online gay sites, would Jordan's comment that we're more sexually cautious hold true?

Sex is sex is sex. Across all societies, the members seek it.

True, SG has one of the lowest copulation rates amongst straight respondents (durex survey? or were gay sex respondents included because the questions did not seperate straight/gay/whatever sexual practices?), but does this mean that we're more sexually cautious, or due to the pace of life/society, we just 'can't get it?'


Anonymous said...

To KiWeTO;
I did not take a poll, but I do think the upbringing and culture of Singapore society has done good here, as we tend to err on the side of caution. Recklessness is generally not a pre-disposition of most Singaporeans, gay or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Yawning write a piece some time ago about 2 Singaporean guys (brothers? cousins?) with wives and children, who were also sexually active with other men? I can't recall the title, so I can't look it up.

And how do you classify the steady stream of men who prefer transsexuals? I think all of them see themselves as straight. If so, what does "straight" mean anymore?

Anonymous said...

To geminice:
I was commenting on a broad scale, in general. I have no data of 'men' with transexuals? I am sure all sorts of sexual preferences do take place.

That is not within my realm of interest.